Grade K-6
Coordinator: Stephanie Rogers ext. 107
Administrative Assistant: Cathy Bui ext. 106
What we are learning in Religious Education this year.........
This school year, we will be using the Sadlier series, We Believe, grades K-6. The curriculum is based on the four pillars of the Church; the creed, morality, sacraments, and liturgy and prayer.
Kindergarten: God Made the World - Creation
God Gives Us Many Gifts
God is Our Creator
Jesus Shows Us God's Love
Jesus wants us to share God's Love
Grade 1: God Loves Us
Jesus Teaches Us About Gods Love
We are Followers of Jesus
We Belong to the Church
We Celebrate and Live our Faith
Grade 2: Jesus Shares God's Life
Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a
two-year program that starts in first grade.
Jesus Christ is With Us Always
Jesus Calls Us to Penance and Reconciliation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Eucharist
Jesus Gives Himself in the Eucharist
We Live Our Catholic Faith
Grade 3: We Are the Church
Jesus Gives Us the Church
We Are Members of the Church
The Church Leads Us in Worship
We Are Called to Discipleship
Grade 4: Christian Morality - God's Law Guides Us
Growing in Jesus Christ
The Commandments Help Us to Love God
The Commandments Help Us to Love Others
We Are Called to Holiness
Grade 5: We Meet Christ Through the Sacraments
Jesus Chrsit Shares His Life With Us
Confirmation and Eucharist Complete Our Initiation
The Sacrament of Healing Restores Us
We Love and Serve as Jesus Did
Grade 6: Salvation History - We Are God's People
Forming the Convenant
Building the Covenant Nation
Redefining the Covenant People
The Covenant Fulfilled in Jesus
"Our purpose is to provide roots in Catholic tradition
and exposure to dogma and doctrine."